New year 2021 celebration casualties and injuries.

New year eve 2021 aerial firing celebration.

As the new year 2021 has started all over the world, it brought happiness in the world because year 2020 was terribly dangerous. 

        Humans faced lots of troubles in 2020 like locusts attack erupted in Africa and then all over the world, Australian bushfire that killed numerous creatures in the jungles and forced a numbers to migrate to the other parts of the world.

 Ukrainian flight crash that killed almost 176 people on board. Armenia, Azerbaijan conflict, PIA plane crash that caused deaths of 97 innocent people on board, George Floyd massacre due to which #BlackLivesMatter campaign started. It forced black people all over the world to protect their dignity and race.

The huge of above is corona virus pandemic that affected whole humanity in the world. It killed almost 300k people all over the world. Humans paased 2020 so far in huge grief believing that new year would be prosperous and bring a sigh of relief to them but new year has started with some troubles already. 

        These troubles are not due to year 2021 but self created. The reason behind this is that we want to welcome the new year 2021 but fall in troubles due to lot of reasons.main reason behind it is Aerial firing.

Aerial firing is considered as the sign of celebration but we fall a victim of troubles. Here is a list of casualties and injuries that caused due to the welcoming celebrations of 2021.

1. PAKISTAN : A pashtun female singer Neelam Gul was arrested due to aerial firing incident.

                          A bridegroom and 11 other peoples were arrested and booked under terrorism   


2. AMERICA : Two men were shot dead due to aerial firing when a man shot some bullets in the   

                         air in Orlando.

                         In Texas a gun an killed two men in aerial firing. 
